Tagged: biology

Research into cocaine addiction – 105science

visitors this year: 107 COCAINE ADDICTION is DIFFERENT. Dr Karen Ersche tells about her research into cocaine addiction. The work investigates the finding that cocaine addiction affects some people and not others. Also, unlike other addictions, there...

Drug discovery special – 105science

visitors this year: 44 DifiniGEN is a new Cambridge University spin-off company who have a process for growing human liver cells. CEO Dr Marcus Yeo explains how their cells are used by pharmaceutical companies, to test if...

Cambridge Science Festival Preview – 105science

visitors this year: 48 In the Cambridge Science Festival, Nick Crumpton tells why mammals are better than dinosaurs. And researcher Dr Andrew Holding tells of the Skeptics in the Pub discussion group and of Bright Club, where...

‘Wild Hope’ – the book on conservation – 105science

visitors this year: 30 Cambridge conservation scientist, Andrew Balmford, says why there’s hope for saving the planet. Speaking to The Science show’s Chris Creese, the author of “Wild Hope” explains what ecosystems really do for us, and...

Parasites + Holiday health – 105science

visitors this year: 23 Journal editor Sally Hirst talks about an interesting group of micro-organisms called parasites. Interviewed by Roger Frost. And in Chris Creese’s holiday health tips. Chris looks at the science behind travel advice and offers tips...

IUCN conservation + Plants and drought – 105science

visitors this year: 19 IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest environmental organisation and has a base in Cambridge. Nicola Terry hears from with the IUCN’s Rebecca Miller about her work at the ‘International...