Tagged: biology

aerobic and anaerobic respiration

visitors this year: 220 When a living thing, such as yeast, respires it produces heat. It may do this in the presence or absence of oxygen. These processes are called aerobic respiration and anaerobic...


visitors this year: 340 How are plants affected by light? During photosynthesis oxygen is produced. How much photosynthesis occurs depends on how much light there is. You can measure the amount of oxygen produced...

warm germinating seeds

visitors this year: 145 When seeds germinate they use energy and give off heat. To test this, you can use temperature sensors which will continuously monitor any heat produced. You will set up some...

when do plants grow

visitors this year: 128 It’s not easy to measure how fast a plant grows. You would probably not be too keen to take measurements every few hours – and especially not overnight. There are...

energy in food

visitors this year: 48 As food burns it releases energy. This energy can be used to heat up water. If you know how much water you used, and how hot it gets, you can...

lipase and milk fat

visitors this year: 846 Fats, such as the fats in milk, need to be digested by your body. They are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by an enzyme called lipase. You can...


visitors this year: 128 In the manufacture of yoghurt, bacteria turn lactose into lactic acid. The acid denatures or spoils the milk protein and sets it solid. In the process, the milk starts to...

how the pulse changes

visitors this year: 43 The speed of your pulse changes as you go about your day. It changes as you sit, walk or exercise. It is quite easy to record your pulse using the...

monitor breathing

visitors this year: 269 Is your breathing steady while you sit restfully? How does it change when you talk? How does it change when you exercise? How quickly do you recover after exercise? To...

changes in an aquarium

visitors this year: 207 Life in any aquatic habitat has to be supported by oxygen. We are all too familiar with rivers and streams where the oxygen supply has been exhausted and the river...

investigating the enzyme amylase

visitors this year: 128 Amylase catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugar. How is the activity of this enzyme affected by temperature? You can start to find out by monitoring the activity at different...

data on breakfast cereals

visitors this year: 47 Datasets (files) like the one below are useful in science. They have data to analyse by drawing graphs. The file below is in a ‘CSV’ format. Open this one in your...

pH data on souring milk

visitors this year: 122 The label on my milk bottle tells me how long the milk will ‘last’ at different temperatures. What do they measure to make this assessment? Is it the pH? I summoned...

measure lipase enzyme activity

visitors this year: 252 If you’ve a couple of pH electrodes and sensors, the following is one of the most successful enzyme measurements I’ve tried. Before bothering further, connect the pH electrodes to a...

scientist 66: the science journalist – report from the MRC LMB Cambridge (2014)

visitors this year: 1,119 Dr Chris Creese and Roger Frost tour the LMB-MRC open day exhibition and learn about body clocks and worms. Follow-up link Read more at Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk


scientist 64: the molecular biologist – Hugh Pelham at MRC LMB Cambridge (2014)

visitors this year: 1,323 The Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge is credited for landmark discoveries and cutting-edge techniques. This podcast offers an overview of what the LMB do. On the occasion of the Medical Research Council centenary,...


scientist 70: the biotechnologist – biosciences for Africa BFA (2014)

visitors this year: 1,028 A Cambridge project seeks to improve farming practices in Africa by sharing advances in biotechnology. They’re called Biosciences for Farming in Africa (www.b4fa.org). Chris Creese meets one of their founders Dr David...
