cooling curve
visitors this year: 184 Cooling curve Two temperature sensors can collect some interesting information about cooling during a change of state. In this experiment the temperature of a water bath increases as a substance...
visitors this year: 184 Cooling curve Two temperature sensors can collect some interesting information about cooling during a change of state. In this experiment the temperature of a water bath increases as a substance...
visitors this year: 250
visitors this year: 35
visitors this year: 41
visitors this year: 45 photo credit unsplash-logoJános Lamberg-Liszkay
visitors this year: 75
visitors this year: 67
visitors this year: 248 You can use a temperature sensor to study the insulating properties of materials. Two temperature sensors allow you to compare different materials at the same time. In this example two...
visitors this year: 95 We scientists do the strangest of things. We wanted to see the temperature changes when you freeze and thaw things. So we took a ‘bun’ (a bread roll), placed temperature...
visitors this year: 5,197 I expect that when something cools, it will get cooler in a plodding kind of way. That’s true, but when something changes state, the cooling is not so steady.The graph...
visitors this year: 51 What time does it get light in the morning? When does it get dark? Is the central heating working? I just had to know, so I took my data logging...
visitors this year: 178 The dilemma is this: the telephone range as I was making tea. Should I add the milk now or 5 minutes later, after I took the call? One way of...
visitors this year: 156 From Roger Frost’s austerity lab tips, when you run training days in hotels, one improvises, as this tip shows: This IKEA tea towel clip gained an unusual second life as boiling... is a compendium of ideas for using technology with sciencey questions in mind. Started in 1995 to offer ideas to school science teachers, its coverage now extends to gadgets, home automation, home living and sensors to help understand what’s going on around the house.
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Roger Frost (his cv) has been writing about technology since 1988 and this web includes his articles; tutorials, lesson outlines and radio interviews.