use a TTGO TFT LCD to display temperature graphs and control a water heater
You can graph temperature on this cute display and use buttons to turn on the heater as needed – the project works with Home Assistant and needs very little else
During the summer we use electricity to heat the hot water tank. We could use fossils fuels for heating but the night time electricity rates are competitive just now. One night time heating session can last a day’s use but sometimes the temperature needs a mid-day boost.
I wanted to give the house occupants a touch panel to boost the water heating as needed. The TTGO st7789v display is small and has two buttons I can program to switch the heating. I added in a graph display to help them decide whether they’ll need more heat. To me it makes no sense to keep the water hot at all times.
The water heater is an immersion heater using 10 amps and 3kW per hour. To make this ‘smart’ and controllable I use the SONOFF Elite relays which can switch 16 amps. The SONOFF TH Elite has a temperature sensor to control the tank temperature – I choose this one. A SONOFF POW Elite is able to record the energy used. These Sonoff (2023) relays make very good upgrades on earlier Sonoff POW2 and Sonoff TH16 devices.
the costs of heating and cooling a hot water cylinder

A 3kW heater takes 90 minutes to reheat a water cylinder each day at a cost of £1.60 (peak time electricity) or £0.50 (night time) so it costs either £48 or £16 a month for water heating. The temperature doesn’t always need to be boosted for 60 minutes during the day – but let’s say that if it drops to 45′ C it probably needs a boost. The SONOFF TH Elite allows you to control temperature within the app.
Interestingly, the insulated tank temperature cools faster during the night than it does during the day. In a separate study I found that if you leave the water heater on all the time you’ll use twice the energy compared to a once a day heating session – see here for my work on this.
what you need for this project
- a Home Assistant setup with a sensor to monitor and ESPhome running on eg a Raspberry Pi
- USB power and a USB-C to USB-A cable
- TTGO T-display or other ESPHome display
features of my TTGO T-display paged display carousel

a) a page of text to show the current temperature, wifi signal, online status, whether heating or not.
b) A graph filling the screen with 6 hours of data
c) A graph filling the screen with 48 hours of data
In a previous project I monitored my oven temperature with a TTGO display in the kitchen. You might instead need to momentarily see the time of the next train, the heating oil tank level, broadband speed or indeed the state of any sensor in Home Assistant.

VERSION 2: A 3D printed case and several improvements on the information display – scroll to the bottom for the version 2 code.
photo: random points worth knowing

go to ESPhome in Home Assistant, add a ‘new device’ and use my configuration
Go to the ESPHome section of Home Assistant and create a new device (+ sign). Follow through the ESPhome web dialogue to prepare the TTGO display and e.g. supply it with your wifi details. Next you Adopt and rename the device to something obvious. Go to the new device, choose ‘EDIT’ and add the code below to the editor panel
- Customize the code below using the Esphome editor to suit.
- Put a font file eg DMSans-Bold.ttf (but rename it Helvetica.ttf) in the ESPHome folder in Home Assistant. Use the File Editor to upload any TTF font but you must either rename it (to Helvetica.ttf) or edit the font name in the code below.
- If ESPhome web fails to connect to your ESP board, hold the boot button as you click Connect.
# VERSION 1 as shown in the video. Version 2 code is at the bottom of this page. Create a new device in ESPHome. Add these lines to the device code substitutions: devicename: ttgo-immersion esphome: name: "ttgo-immersion" friendly_name: ${devicename} #name: ${devicename} platform: ESP32 board: featheresp32 logger: api: encryption: key: "7Y9QyaTYL4+Ugbe2uj6cJomh1a3Cw6YqRmppt5aMgd4" # your key will be different ota: captive_portal: wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: # Set this to the IP of the ESP static_ip: # Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1 gateway: subnet: ap: ssid: "ttgo-immersion-display" password: "password" # fallback hotspot in case wifi fails # replace my entity IDs with your entity IDs below sensor: - platform: homeassistant id: water_temperature entity_id: sensor.sonoff_1001da1a47_temperature internal: true - platform: wifi_signal name: "ttgo wifi signal" update_interval: 60s entity_category: "diagnostic" id: wifidb time: - platform: homeassistant id: esptime color: - id: color_red red: 100% green: 0% blue: 0% - id: color_yellow red: 100% green: 100% blue: 0% - id: color_green red: 0% green: 100% blue: 0% - id: color_blue red: 0% green: 0% blue: 100% - id: color_gray red: 50% green: 50% blue: 50% - id: color_white red: 100% green: 100% blue: 100% font: - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_L size: 76 # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_M size: 30 glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_S size: 24 glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_SS size: 18 glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' graph: - id: h6h_graph duration: 6h min_value: 30 max_value: 70 x_grid: 6h y_grid: 10 width: 240 height: 135 border: False traces: - sensor: water_temperature color: color_yellow - id: h48_graph duration: 48h min_value: 30 max_value: 70 width: 240 height: 135 x_grid: 6h y_grid: 10 border: false traces: - sensor: water_temperature color: color_yellow binary_sensor: - platform: homeassistant id: immersion_on entity_id: switch.sonoff_1001da1a47 internal: true - platform: status name: "node status" id: system_status - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: true mode: input: true pullup: true name: "cott-ttgo onbutton" id: tdisplay_button_input_0 - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO35 inverted: true name: "cott-ttgo offbutton" id: tdisplay_button_input_1 switch: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 name: "immersion display backlight" # id: backlight - platform: restart name: ${devicename} restart spi: clk_pin: GPIO18 mosi_pin: GPIO19 # this rotates the display pages at 5 second intervals interval: - interval: 5s then: - my_display - component.update: my_display display: - platform: st7789v model: TTGO TDisplay 135x240 cs_pin: GPIO5 dc_pin: GPIO16 reset_pin: GPIO23 rotation: 90 backlight_pin: GPIO4 id: my_display pages: - id: page1 lambda: |- it.graph(0, 0, id(h6h_graph)); it.printf(5, 1, id(helvetica_M), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.0f°", id(water_temperature).state); it.print(5, 98, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::LEFT, "x = 6 hours"); it.line(0, 101, 240, 101, id(color_red)); it.print(210, 101, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_red), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "40"); it.print(210, 68, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_white), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "50"); it.print(210, 34, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_white), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "60"); it.print(210, 2, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_white), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "70"); - id: page2 lambda: |- it.graph(0, 0, id(h48_graph)); it.printf(5, 1, id(helvetica_M), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.0f°", id(water_temperature).state); it.print(5, 101, id(helvetica_S), id(color_white), TextAlign::LEFT, "x = 48 hours"); it.line(0, 101, 240, 101, id(color_red)); - id: page3 lambda: |- it.strftime((240 / 2), (140 / 3) * 1 + 5, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::CENTER, "%a %d %I:%M", id(esptime).now()); it.print(5, 5, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "water:"); if (id(immersion_on).state) { it.print(235, 5, id(helvetica_S), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "HEATING"); } else { it.print(235, 5, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "not heating"); } ; it.printf(0, 60, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.0fdB", id(wifidb).state); if (id(system_status).state) { it.print(235, 60, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "wifi signal"); } else { it.print(235, 60, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "offline"); } ; it.print(5, 100, id(helvetica_S), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::LEFT, "water temp"); it.printf(235, 98, id(helvetica_M), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%.0f°", id(water_temperature).state); # - id: page4 ONLY THREE PAGES ALLOWED
how to configure the ESPhome code
- The above was adapted from various sites, the ESPhome guide to the ST7789V and Koen Vervloesem
- You can change text colour, the font and the font size. You can change the grid range and show a grid.
- There are two buttons on the display and Home Assistant watches them for a press. You can use them to trigger turning on a light or relay in your Home Assistant..
- The sensor section shows that you can pull information about any sensor in Home Assistant. I used temperatures.
- With ‘rotation’ set to O, the display is landscape, 240 pixels long x 140 or 135 pixels high.
- The lamda section does the work of positioning the sensor values and the time. Yes, it’s evil – I suggest you get yourself some graph paper and experiment with the text placement.
go to Home Assistant > Integrations to add your TTGO display device entities
- Go to Home Assistant Configuration. Choose Integrations. If the display hasn’t already been discovered automatically, add ESPhome and enter the IP address you put in the code above.
- In Home Assistant create an automation that triggers when TTGO button 1 is pressed for two seconds. The trigger leads to turning on the water heater for about an hour (or untill a good temperature is reached.
- In Home Assistant create an automation that triggers when TTGO button 2 is pressed. This routine turns off the water heater.
create automations a bit like this
Two details to add to the following trigger section – the onbutton must be pressed for a couple seconds. If I also put a wait of a few seconds in the trigger section I’ll prevent too rapid switching.

VERSION 2 PAGES GRAPH DISPLAY - see the set of three photos showing the three pages that rotate every 15 seconds substitutions: devicename: ttgo-immersion # graph_width: '210' # graph_height: '105' esphome: name: "ttgo-immersion" friendly_name: ${devicename} #name: ${devicename} platform: ESP32 board: featheresp32 logger: api: # password: !secret ha_password encryption: key: "=" ota: captive_portal: wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: # Set this to the IP of the ESP static_ip: # Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1 gateway: subnet: ap: ssid: "ttgo-immersion-display" password: "password" # fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi fails # replace my entity IDs with your entity IDs below sensor: - platform: homeassistant id: water_temperature entity_id: sensor.sonoff_1001da1a47_temperature internal: true - platform: homeassistant id: watertank_tof entity_id: sensor.watertank_tof internal: true - platform: wifi_signal name: "ttgo wifi signal" update_interval: 60s entity_category: "diagnostic" id: wifidb - platform: homeassistant id: tempweath entity_id: sensor.temperature_weath internal: true time: - platform: homeassistant id: esptime color: - id: color_red red: 100% green: 0% blue: 0% - id: color_yellow red: 100% green: 100% blue: 0% - id: color_green red: 0% green: 100% blue: 0% - id: color_blue red: 0% green: 0% blue: 100% - id: color_gray red: 50% green: 50% blue: 50% - id: color_white red: 100% green: 100% blue: 100% # you need a font file named as here or renamed in the esphome folder font: - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_L size: 76 # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_M size: 30 glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_S size: 24 glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' - file: "DMSans-Bold.ttf" id: helvetica_SS size: 18 glyphs: '!"%()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/³£=' # this was going to be the background grid for the graph but I failed to show it # image: # - file: "graphgrid.png" # id: graphgrid # use_transparency: True # resize: 240x135 # in theory you can use substitutions as variables eg if you were using different displays graph: - id: h6_graph duration: 6h min_value: 30 max_value: 70 x_grid: 6h y_grid: 10 width: 240 #${graph_width} height: 135 #${graph_height} border: False traces: - sensor: water_temperature color: color_yellow - id: h24_graph duration: 24h min_value: 30 max_value: 70 width: 240 #${graph_width} height: 135 #${graph_height} x_grid: 12h y_grid: 10 border: false traces: - sensor: water_temperature color: color_yellow # remember that a home assistant sensor such as a switch is a binary sensor with states on and off binary_sensor: - platform: homeassistant id: immersion_on entity_id: switch.sonoff_1001da1a47 internal: true - platform: status name: "node status" id: system_status - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: true mode: input: true pullup: true name: "cottgoinp0" id: tdisplay_button_input_0 filters: - delayed_on: 500ms - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO35 inverted: true name: "cottgoinp1" id: tdisplay_button_input_1 filters: - delayed_on: 10ms on_press: - homeassistant.service: service: homeassistant.turnoff data: entity_id: switch.sonoff_1001da1a47 switch: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 name: "immersiondisplaylight" # id: backlight - platform: restart name: ${devicename} restart spi: clk_pin: GPIO18 mosi_pin: GPIO19 # paged display switching interval interval: - interval: 10s then: - my_display - component.update: my_display display: - platform: st7789v model: TTGO TDisplay 135x240 cs_pin: GPIO5 dc_pin: GPIO16 reset_pin: GPIO23 rotation: 90 backlight_pin: GPIO4 id: my_display pages: - id: page1 lambda: |- it.graph(0, 0, id(h6_graph)); it.printf(5, 0, id(helvetica_M), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.0f°", id(water_temperature).state); it.print(5, 101, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::LEFT, "last 6 hours"); it.line(0, 101, 240, 101, id(color_red)); it.print(210, 101, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_red), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "40"); it.print(210, 68, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_white), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "50"); it.print(210, 34, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_white), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "60"); it.print(210, 2, id(helvetica_SS), id(color_white), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "70"); - id: page2 lambda: |- it.graph(0, 0, id(h24_graph)); it.printf(5, 0, id(helvetica_M), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.0f°", id(water_temperature).state); if (id(immersion_on).state) { it.print(235, 0, id(helvetica_S), id(color_green), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "HEATING"); } else { it.print(235, 0, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "not heating"); } ; it.print(5, 101, id(helvetica_S), id(color_white), TextAlign::LEFT, "last 24 hours"); it.line(0, 101, 240, 101, id(color_red)); - id: page3 lambda: |- it.print(5, 0, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "water:"); if (id(immersion_on).state) { it.print(235, 0, id(helvetica_S), id(color_green), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "HEATING"); } else { it.print(235, 0, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "not heating"); } ; it.strftime(0, 28, id(helvetica_S), id(color_white), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "time %H:%M %a %d", id(esptime).now()); it.printf(0, 56, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.0fdB", id(wifidb).state); if (id(system_status).state) { it.print(235, 56, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "wifi signal"); } else { it.print(235, 56, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "offline"); } ; it.print(5, 80, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::LEFT, "weather"); it.printf(180, 80, id(helvetica_S), id(color_gray), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%.0f°", id(tempweath).state); it.print(5, 107, id(helvetica_S), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::LEFT, "water temp"); it.printf(235, 105, id(helvetica_M), id(color_yellow), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%.0f°", id(water_temperature).state);
Excellent tutorial, and working flawless. Simetimes i lose wifi cionbnection, si i woukld like to show th ip adress of the TTGO. Found out that you should use text sensor for wifi but i can;t get it to work. Any suggestions.
Cheers Erik. Knowing the ip address might be useful. Displaying the wifi signal strength might be useful too.
The text sensor instructions could be more helpful and provide examples. My suggestion is to send the IP address to HA and then use ‘- platform: homeassistant’ to get it back and to display it in the lamdba line with other variables. If that’s not clear shout back.
– platform: wifi_info
name: ESPIPAddress
– platform: homeassistant
id: ipaddress
entity_id: sensor.ESPIPAddress
internal: true
You can get the IPaddress directly within EspHome by giving the WiFi component an ID:
id: wifi_wificomponent # Create a label for the WiFi object so we can refer to it.
and then referring to it within the display lambda:
auto addressString = (id(wifi_wificomponent).is_connected()) ? id(wifi_wificomponent).get_ip_address().str().c_str()) : “Connecting…”;
Thank you for this Ned.