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4 Responses

  1. Gayle Spicer says:

    Hello Roger, I am a former teacher of 30plus years and have taken a job as Laboratory Technician in a school in Rural Victoria, Australia. I noticed that there was very little technology available for the students to use in science, so I started scouting around for old equipment that other schools no longer used due to updating their datalogging equipment to wireless. I have been trying to get a hold of some of your books (older ones in particular due to the age of the equipment I have collected), but I am struggling to find any copies. I am wondering whether you can point me in the right direction to obtain copies. Thank you, Gayle Spicer (Maryborough Education Centre, Maryborough, Victoria, Australia)

    • roger says:

      Hello Gayle, Wise idea. If you want worse data logging try wireless…but maybe that’s my luck.

      On my website the science experiments menu will find every idea I tried or published. Also the books have been deconstructed and most ideas can be found by a keyword or search box.
      I do see my books on Amazon UK but oz will be different. I’ve just uploaded a complete book for you, I’d say it was the most detailed and last of the series.

  2. Dave Walmsley says:

    Hi Roger,
    I was looking at your water tank level sensor. I this the right palace to ask a question?


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