Drug discovery special – 105science
DifiniGEN is a new Cambridge University spin-off company who have a process for growing human liver cells. CEO Dr Marcus Yeo explains how their cells are used by pharmaceutical companies, to test if a newly discovered drug is harmful. The ability to grow special cells from stem cells also offers the possibility for organ replacement in the future. The techniques used come from the Nobel Prize winning work of the university’s Sir John Gurdon. See www.definigen.com
We also hear how medicines are being developed here in Cambridge. We talk to Sean McKenna, a chemistry expert working in the industry.
In both cases we think you will be intrigued by techniques that take some of the guesswork out of making pills that do us more good than harm.
The Science Show is produced by Roger Frost and Chris Creese who meet the scientists and get the inside scoop on science, especially when it happens in Cambridge.
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