Tagged: food

food: panettone faq

visitors this year: 142 what’s the best way to eat panettone? By mouth. Or face first. does panettone come from Germany? No. It comes from Tesco, Aldi, Lidl and if you have money, Waitrose...

chinese style spring roll recipe

visitors this year: 61 I bought a packet of rice paper and was surprised at how doable it was to use it to make spring rolls. This lazy version is inspired by a few...

Cheesecake recipe – Jewish style

visitors this year: 6,164 Some cheesecakes are set with gelatin and have a smooth, jelly-like texture. This cheesecake is baked and sets due to its whipped egg. When chilled it has an appealing dry,...

energy in food

As food burns it releases energy. This energy can be used to heat up a known volume of water and so calculate its energy content. The temperature change can be easily monitored using a temperature sensor. Furthermore, if the food stops burning too soon, the graph will show how much the water cools and you can add this temperature change into your calculations.

energy in food

visitors this year: 48 As food burns it releases energy. This energy can be used to heat up water. If you know how much water you used, and how hot it gets, you can...

data on breakfast cereals

visitors this year: 47 Datasets (files) like the one below are useful in science. They have data to analyse by drawing graphs. The file below is in a ‘CSV’ format. Open this one in your...

scientist 16: the chocolatier – making chocolate (2012)

visitors this year: 431 Chocolatier Cheryl Brighty of Artistry in Cocoa, tells Nicola Terry how chocolate is made from a cocoa pod. Cheryl works at Artistry in cocoa www.artistryincocoa.co.uk Tagged biology, making chocolate, cocoa, chemistry, Nicola Terry...
