Tagged: heat

primary: keep baby warm

Babies and adults are warmer than their surroundings and constantly lose heat to it. Other things being equal, how quickly they lose heat depends on their size and the surrounding temperature. The

primary: taking temperatures

If a cup of hot water has a higher temperature than the room, it loses heat energy to the room. In contrast, ice water, which has a lower temperature than the room, will gain heat energy from the room. Knowing the temperature of

exothermic reactions

visitors this year: 157 Exothermic reactions A temperature sensor can collect information about the heat generated when lime is mixed with water. Exothermic reactions are used in a glove heating pack. The proportions of...

heat of reaction

visitors this year: 120 Heat of reaction As acid reacts with alkali, heat is evolved. This is the heat of neutralisation. This can be easily monitored using a temperature sensor. In this experiment the...

absorption of thermal radiation

visitors this year: 106 Absorption of thermal radiation A shiny surface and a black surface absorb heat differently. Using temperature sensors or thermocouple probes it is possible to compare the temperatures on two these...

heat insulation

visitors this year: 36 Heat insulation A temperature sensor can be used to study the insulating properties of different materials. Two temperature sensors allow a simultaneous comparison to be made. In this experiment two...

heat conduction

visitors this year: 49 Heat conduction A temperature sensor can be used to study the conduction of heat through different materials. Two temperature sensors allow a comparison to be made. In this experiment strips...

heat conduction through a window

visitors this year: 39 Get two temperature sensors to measure the temperature inside and outside a window. You may find that over a long period of time it is best to record your data...

heat conduction

visitors this year: 107 You can use a temperature sensor to study the conduction of heat through materials. Two temperature sensors allow you to compare different materials at the same time. In this example,...


visitors this year: 246 You can use a temperature sensor to study the insulating properties of materials. Two temperature sensors allow you to compare different materials at the same time. In this example two...

freezing a bun or bread roll

visitors this year: 92 We scientists do the strangest of things. We wanted to see the temperature changes when you freeze and thaw things. So we took a ‘bun’ (a bread roll), placed temperature...

heating ice

visitors this year: 297 You would think that when you heat up ice that it gets warmer bit by bit. And maybe that the more you heat it the hotter it gets. Well it’s...