capacitor charge and discharge
visitors this year: 64 Capacitor charge and discharge The voltage & current of a capacitor are measured as it charges and discharges. Sensors allow a graph to be plotted as this happens. The effect...
visitors this year: 64 Capacitor charge and discharge The voltage & current of a capacitor are measured as it charges and discharges. Sensors allow a graph to be plotted as this happens. The effect...
visitors this year: 82 Current-Voltage relationships In this experiment the resistance of a lamp, resistor or diode is measured as the current is varied. Voltage and current sensors make the measurements while the software...
visitors this year: 90 Thermistor characteristics The voltage & current of a thermistor are measured as its temperature changes. Sensors allow graphs of voltage and current to be plotted against time. Not only can...
visitors this year: 45 Heating effect of an electric current The temperature, voltage & current of a heating unit are measured over a period of time. This allows us to calculate the power of...
visitors this year: 40 Battery life In this experiment an electrical cell is tested to exhaustion. The cell might be a dry-cell, an alkaline cell or a lead-acid accumulator. The decreasing voltage is measured...
visitors this year: 142
handling data from experiments / science experiments
by roger · Published Oct 2018 · Last modified Nov 2018
visitors this year: 78
handling data from experiments / science experiments
by roger · Published Oct 2018 · Last modified Nov 2018
visitors this year: 71
visitors this year: 144 A thermistor is an electronic component whose resistance changes with temperature. The voltage and current of a thermistor can be measured as the temperature changes. Sensors allow you to take...
visitors this year: 59 In this experiment the resistance of a lamp, resistor or diode is measured as the current is varied. Voltage and current sensors make the measurements while the software plots the...
visitors this year: 55 The voltage and current in a circuit change when a capacitor charges and discharges. Computer sensors can measure these changes and software can plot a graph as fast as this...
visitors this year: 46 Batteries or electrical cells are made using different substances. There are zinc dry-cells, alkaline cells and lead-acid accumulators. When you use them, the chemicals become exhausted at different rates. So...
visitors this year: 71 The scope for electrical measurement as obviously as big as the subject itself. Data logging systems tend to measure changes over time and that suits these sensors to measuring the...
Roger Frost has been writing about technology since 1988 and this web includes articles; radio interviews with scientists and tutorials to use technology at home and the classroom. is a compendium of ideas for using technology with sciencey questions in mind. Started in 1995 to offer ideas to school science teachers, Roger Frost expanded the coverage to home automation, lifestyle topics, handy gadgets and smarthome sensors to measure, or understand, what’s going on around him.
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