Tagged: pressure sensor
pressure & temperature
visitors this year: 46 Pressure & temperature How pressure changes with temperature can be monitored using sensors. A graph of pressure against temperature can be plotted as it happens. After the experiment, the scale...
visitors this year: 60 A pressure sensor can be used to monitor the progress of osmosis. In this experiment a dialysis bag containing sucrose solution is placed in a beaker of water. Over a...
a data logger is a scientist’s camera
visitors this year: 86 data loggers – the scientist’s camera! There is a rich world of data waiting to be collected. Take an accelerometer with you on a theme park roller coaster or if...
pressure & temperature
visitors this year: 224 The pressure in a sealed container changes with temperature. These changes can be monitored using sensors attached to the computer. A graph of pressure against temperature can be plotted as...
monitor breathing
visitors this year: 265 Is your breathing steady while you sit restfully? How does it change when you talk? How does it change when you exercise? How quickly do you recover after exercise? To...
plant transpiration using a pressure sensor
visitors this year: 152 Transpiration and a pressure sensor A sensitive barometric pressure sensor can be used to demonstrate transpiration. The picture here shows a low pressure sensor (as it was called) with a...
pressure sensor
visitors this year: 43 A surprisingly useful sensor which is usually on the expensive side. They come in various ranges and while no single range handles all uses you can settle on a mid...