Tagged: bioengineering

scientist 46: the bioengineer – Michelle Oyen develops and uses new materials (2012)

visitors this year: 329 Dr Michelle Oyen is a Reader in bioengineering at the University of Cambridge. Dy Oyen explains how materials science can be put to use in medicine where there’s a need to create surgical...


scientist 36: the research biotechnologist – Alan Tunnacliffe & the bdelloid rotifer (2013)

visitors this year: 327 Professor Alan Tunnacliffe of the Cambridge University Department of Chemical Engineering tells why the bdelloid rotifer has fascinated top biologists. This microscopically tiny invertebrate lives in rain puddles. The creature can survive without water for millions of...


Bioengineering research in Cambridge – 105science

visitors this year: 53 Dr Michelle Oyen is a Reader in bioengineering at the University of Cambridge. Dy Oyen explains how materials science can be put to use in medicine where there’s a need to create surgical...