


The magnetic field sensor responds to magnetic fields. We can use this idea, together with a metre rule damped
with a sand bag, to demonstrate how
a seismometer might function. If the apparatus is ‘disturbed’ a trace on the screen can represent an ‘earthquake’ event. A position sensor can be used instead of the magnetic field sensor, just as effectively here.

Clamp stands, sand bag, magnet, metre rule, interface, magnetic field sensor.

Setting up
Arrange the apparatus as shown. Connect the magnetic field sensor to the first socket on the interface. If you can, set the range on the sensor to cover 0-10 mT. The identity of the sensor is unimportant in this experiment.

Recording the data
Record for 1 minute. During this minute, disturb the apparatus to simulate an earthquake.
If you record for longer you will lose the finer detail from your recording.

How is an earthquake represented on your graph?
Are you able to measure the size of an earthquake using this method?
Could such a seismometer be used to predict earthquakes?
Save your data on disk. Print the graph.

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