scientist 0: the list of scientists at work interviews

There are a lot of science people here in Cambridge, England. We started interviewing them for our radio show to find 70 people who used science in their work. The result is this large collection of short podcasts with lots of surprising facts you never learn at school. 

These interviews were first broadcast as a segment on The Science Show on Cambridge 105 radio which started in 2011 and ran for three years. The show team were Roger Frost, Nicola Terry, Dr Chris Creese. As the material is often still current we extracted the interviews from the general news and chat in the show. Thanks to all the scientists that gave us their time to take part. We hope you find the recordings here useful or intriguing.


  1. the cancer researcher Tasmanian devil 0:12:33
  2. the diet doctor The Mediterranean diet 0:14:47
  3. the inventor Art conservators 0:9:53
  4. the technical specialist Mobile phone signal reception 0:14:12
  5. the science teacher Dictionary of science jargon 0:15:03
  6. the conservation scientist About the IUCN 0:11:56
  7. the gardener Weeds and herbicides 0:13:33
  8. the journal editor Parasitology and parasites 0:12:34
  9. the statistician Choosing a university 0:10:32
  10. the entrepreneur Purifying water from fracking shale 0:11:20
  11. the building scientist Home energy use 0:12:16
  12. the materials scientist Properties of materials 0:08:02
  13. the architect Cambridge ecohomes 0:14:47
  14. the home insulation advisor Heat loss from houses 0:10:18
  15. the Antarctic scientist Hydrothermal vents 0:10:56
  16. the chocolatier Making chocolate 0:11:36
  17. the plant scientist Plants coping with drought 0:10:24
  18. the data logger company Agriculture 0:13:39
  19. the sun seeker Travel advice 0:13:31
  20. the water company Supplying a city with water 0:14:05
  21. the experimental psychologist Alzheimers disease 0:15:21
  22. the bird watcher Cambridgeshire wetland birds 0:10:50
  23. the engineer Bloodhound the fastest car on earth 0:11:41
  24. the ecologist Phenology and citizen involvement 0:12:54
  25. the computer scientist Raspberry Pi computer and it 0:17:20
  26. the ecology researcher Marten Scheffer Critical Trans 0:15:25
  27. the conservation scientist Andrew Balmford Wild Hope 0:20:43
  28. the ice chemist Robert Mulvanney British Antarctic S 0:21:32
  29. the ecohome builder Solar panels by Polysolar 0:19:07
  30. the social psychologist Cleanliness and perception 0:13:03
  31. the science outreacher Cambridge Science Centre 0:16:08
  32. the experimental psychologist Cambridge Cognition 0:17:30
  33. the entrepreneur Hildago Equivital and Felix Baumg 0:16:02
  34. the atmospheric scientist John Pyle atmospheric oz 0:16:44
  35. the biotechnologist Difinigen clone liver cells for phar 0:16:17
  36. The research biotechnologist Alan Tunnacliffe bdelloi 0:17:27
  37. The farmer Catchment Sensitive Farming 0:14:01
  38. The bee keeper Steve Poyser making honey 0:20:57
  39. The plant breeder Gillian Covey on developing wheat 0:17:56
  40. The science presenter The ugly animal society Simo 0:9:04
  41. The earth scientist British Antarctic Survey and the io 0:16:34
  42. The clinical immunologist Mark Larche pet and grass 0:22:39
  43. The virologist Derek Smith influenza mutation and va 0:29:39
  44. The headteacher The opening of science technical c 0:21:36
  45. The bioengineer Michelle Oyen developing and using 0:22:50
  46. The drug discovery chemist How medicines are discovered 0:16:20
  47. The religious paleontologist Rob Asher Evolution and 0:26:00
  48. The building scientist Heat pumps and an eco 0:10:20
  49. The chemical engineer Mark Haw fluid and process e 0:16:33
  50. The climate physicist Tim Palmer predicting climate c 0:10:20
  51. The civil engineer Prof Robert Mair building Crossrail 0:27:16
  52. The civil engineer in aerodynamics Prof Holger Babin 0:18:35
  53. The anesthetist Dr Kentish anesthesiologist 0:15:17
  54. The cancer researcher Hayley Whittaker and prostat 0:23:04
  55. The motor vehicle development manager Nissan LEA 0:27:42
  56. The gastroenterologist Stephen Middleton Smart pill f 0:13:42
  57. The archaeologist John Creese ceremonial pipes 0:20:51
  58. The psychiatrist Karen Ersche cocaine addiction 0:17:51
  59. The astronomer Paul Fellows what is astronomy 0:21:12
  60. The grain business development manager Andrew W 0:21:14
  61. The science writer Popular science the Big Questions 0:27:32
  62. The molecular gastronomist Peter Barham about ga 0:14:42
  63. The molecular biologist Hugh Pelham about MRC LM 0:08:50
  64. The cytologist Melina Schuh oocytes and reproduction 0:12:29
  65. The entrepreneur Water and fracking for oil and gas 0:27:57
  66. The science journalist Report on the MRC LMB Cam 0:10:04
  67. The guitarist Guitar types and quality 0:24:18
  68. The crop scientist Julian Little products for farming 0:21:48
  69. The science author Michael Freemantle WW1 & chemistry 0:26:26
  70. The biotechnologist biosciences for Africa BFA 0:11:44

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