take your D-Link DCS-D150 out of the cloud and into Home Assistant

I wouldn’t especially recommend the D-Link DCS-D150 motion sensor but it does have some features that had me buy it. Firstly it plugs into a wall socket above a worktop so it can sense when someone is in the kitchen. (I can then turn on the lighting – whatever). Secondly this motion sensor was one of the few sensors that worked without the need for a separate hub. It could send its ‘motion detected’ signal to IFTTT and I could then make the lights turn on and more. At £25 that’s not bad.

A few years later D-link went over to a new system and the DCS-D150 was no longer supported. A few years later still, in 2020, D-link dropped support for IFTTT so that I was left with a stupid sensor that talked to a stupid app that talked to nothing.

Luckily I found a custom component for Home Assistant. The motion sensor is back in use and can now be ‘heard’ over the network. If you want a motion sensor today (2020) consider using an RF or Zigbee model. And if you’ve any words to feedback to D-link for ‘killing off’ support like this please add them below.

The D-link motion sensor was abandoned and its IFTTT cloud service was shut

Install the Dlink component into Home Assistant (method 1)

Go to the file editor in the Home Assistant frontend.

  • In /config create a new folder ‘custom_components’.
  • In the custom-components folder make another folder ‘dlink_motion_sensor’
  • Add the three files shown (go to the end of this thread to find the files)
  • Still in File editor open your configuration.yaml and add this code to the binary_sensor section.
  • Save the edits and completely shut down and restart the Raspberry Pi
  - platform: dlink_motion_sensor
    name: kitchen_motion
    password: 9957XX
# the password or PIN is printed on the sensor. The ip address can be found # via the router. 
# do set the router to use a fixed IP for this sensor because if the IP changes this config will fail  

After Home Assistant restarts

You’ll now have an new entity called binary_sensor.kitchen_motion. When you walk past the sensor the state changes from Open to Closed.

Create an automation to turn on the lights and start a timer

id: '1566591XX7312'
alias: motion day lightson
entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_motion
from: 'off'
platform: state
to: 'on'
after: 06:30
before: '23:00'
condition: time
data: {}
entity_id: switch.cupboard_lights
service: switch.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: switch.ceiling_lights
service: switch.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: timer.ceiling_lights
service: timer.start

Create an automation to turn off the lights when a timer finishes

id: '1578935XX2018'
alias: motion light timer finished so turn off lights
entity: timer.ceiling_lights
event_type: timer.finished
platform: event
alias: ''
data: {}
entity_id: switch.ceiling_lights
service: switch.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: switch.cupboard_lights
service: switch.turn_off

Install the Dlink component into Home Assistant (method 2)

After a while my D-link motion sensor stopped working in Home Assistant so I looked for further solutions and found this Github code based on HNAP (Home Network Administration Protocol – whatever). The solution was to again

  • Copy the dlink_hnap folder to your Home Assistant custom_components folder.
  • Add this text to the binary sensor section of configuration.yaml (as above). Save, validate, restart home assistant and then look for an entity called binary_sensor.kitchen_motion.
  • Continue as above – “After Home Assistant restarts …
  - platform: dlink_hnap
    name: kitchen_motion
    password: 9957XX
    type: motion     
    username: Admin     
    timeout: 35 
# the password or PIN is printed on the sensor. The ip address can be found # via the router. 
# do set the router to use a fixed IP for this sensor because if the IP changes this config will fail

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